Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day???

      February has long been celebrated as a month of romance...though for me, been living with my kids' father for 12 years but we've never celebrated Valentine's day, this month is not that special...

I'm a sweet, always-want-holding-hands-while-walking-down-session rd.-kind of person has been converted into a walk-by-yourself  'cause it's too much of a burden walking holding hands when it's crowded...Does that bother you?? I don't mind walking hand in hand with my 2 kids, I feel secure when I know that they are walking with me..well I guess that's different...

Chocolate? flowers? heart balloons? Teddy bear? 

I never got any for 12 years...I'm glad my kids make me Valentine's day card, (even if they were class projects, I'm still happy 'cause they were always for me ^^).

Petty things I guess, is there something wrong with that? Girls like me want some sugar!!

:( This month is the worst!! I don't know...I stopped expecting since year 1...

At least I know my kids love me :) That's more than enough.

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Collection of Quotes

"The more you loved someone, the less sense anything made." - Bella (New Moon)

"MADONNA ~ simply saying the word aloud makes me feel powerful."

"I'm tough, I'm ambitious and I know what I want...if that makes me a bitch ~ OK."

"I have better things to do than sit around a honky-tonk & drink beer." - J.D. Refferty

"Life's too short to play by someone else's rules." - Lucy (Dark Paradise)

"Life is measured not by how many breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

"Couldn't you just laugh until you choke? I wish you would, so your face could match your eyes...Cold and   blue and lifeless."

"...one thing is for sure, you can always tell someone is hiding something when they avoid answering your questions..."

"I'm amazed anyone would think they can be anything less than completely honest with me and not get caught. Even if I don't call you on it, rest assured - I know."

"Why can someone turn your life upside down, say things that really hurt and then act as though nothing has happened?"

"Sometimes the pain doesn't come from knowing you were lied to, but rather knowing that you weren't worth the truth."

"How is it possible that someone can make you the happiest person in the world but is killing you in the inside and making you depressed all at the same time?"

"When I need you the most, you leave me along. When I say I've had a bad day, you leave. How am I supposed to believe you love me, when it's not really shown?"

"Time discovers truth and I have lots of time...therefore I will find out the truth...and then heads roll."

"It's all your fault! They maybe my actions, but they are reactions to what you have said or done to me."

"Never take anyone for granted...'cause one day you will wake up & realize you have lost a diamond 'cause you're too busy collecting stones."

"Sometimes it's better to be clueless about what's happening around you, than to know every bit of information that would silently kill you."

"One day you're gonna realize what you've done to us. I tried to warn you, but you didn't want to listen to me, now it's me who doesn't care anymore."

"Sometimes it helps to stop thinking so much and just let go a little." - Make it or Break it

"Making others feel bad doesn't make you a better person."

"Even if there's pain now...Everything would be alright, for as long as the world still turns, there will be night and day...can you hear me? There's a rainbow always after the rain." - excerpt from Rainbow song

"Letting go is the only way to move forward." - Lana Lang (Smallville)

"The ability to be happy is nothing other than the ability to come to terms with how things change."

"Do a man a favor and he'll start treating you like a slave." - Gabbe Givens (The Fallen)

"You can turn off the sun, but I'm still gonna shine." - Jason Mraz

"Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great." - Mark Twain

"Just because I don't do bad things doesn't mean I don't have bad thoughts." - Kristin Kreuk

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

"If I like it, I'll buy it; pure impulse shopping."

"The only thing I know about relationship is that, someone always winds up getting hurt." - Lex Luthor (smallville)

"If you have something to say about me, say it to my face...'cause I have this little pet peeve about people talking behind my back." - Lois Lane (Smallville)

"Please grab a shovel and start digging, I have nothing to hide." - Lex Luthor (Smallville)

"You can't just seat safely by the water and watch all the happy people splashing around, eventually you have to grow some fins and just dive." - Chloe (Smallville)\

"I trust what people say behind my back more than what they say in front of me." - Secret Garden

"Always unique, never ordinary."

''This mortal form has grown weak, I need sustenance!" - Thor

"In your darkest hour... I will be there."

"Life starts in heaven." - Me (6/2/2011)

"No pain comes to you without a purpose."

"Time doesn't change the past...it just makes it easier to get to tomorrow."

Learn to live with the missing pieces."

"Whatever happens - it happens for a good reason, you may not realize it immediately, but you will know over time. Trust God's decision for you."

"Just because you're hurt doesn't mean you're broken." - Dolphin Tale

"To move on is to leave my baby behind, to go on is to take my baby with me."

         These are my collections of quotes. Some I got from movie lines, novels, some I just came across from reading online, others I got from facebook posts ;) A few I made for my self, depends on my present feeling that time.
        I write down quotes when I'm down. I try to express my self through them. When I'm sad, lonely, angry, or when I feel tough. And some quotes posted here are just good to my ear ^__^v

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My experience as an English Teacher ;))

Year 2004 when I started teaching English. I started at an Academy for Korean students who were sent here in Baguio City Philippines by their parents to learn English... and golf. The salary was not bad, actually it was better than working as a regular teacher in a regular school, don't get me wrong, the salary was probably higher in a Korean Academy because it's a private institute.
Teachers received their salary in a weekly basis, and if you want you can have it every 10 days, which means bigger amount ;) I was so happy when I got my first salary =D as in YEY!!! I worked 8 hours /day, I had 4 students, I taught 1 student for 2 hours. And I also had a group class, consisted of 4 grade schoolers. (Group class meant additional cash ^^ KACHING!) so that was how I was able to buy an expensive (that time) nokia cellphone. It was easy to save money, so we were also able to buy a brand new computer! another YEY!! I worked at the Academy for 8 months. That was a bit short 'cause I found out that I can receive higher salary when I work privately.
Private means I go to my students' place to teach them English. It was great, no financial pressure, I could bring my kids out almost every weekend, I could buy them new things :))
So private class lasted for almost 3 years. It finally became difficult for me to get students.
In 2007, I applied as a phone English Teacher at a private institute.
The salary was not that big, it was o-k. But there were issues between employees and employers, and I was the employee who openly complained :/ and the other employees?  They were bunch of kiss-ass-yes ma'am-yes sir ~.~ and I didn't like that. So after a few months, I was out of there. woah! What a relief! Jobless?? well...Yes...but just for a few days ;) thank goodness I have my own computer and I have (not bad) internet connection.
So I started searching for students online. I made a skype account (thank you skype) I sent messages to random Korean and Japanese pips, and I didn't wait long. From then on, I've been teaching online at the comfort of my home ^__^ My first students were business men, and not just Korean, I had a Russian student (who paid the highest ^^) . That was the start of my booming Private Online Class! (I'm exaggerating) I'm so glad I met students who liked me as their teacher, because of their recommendations I was never out of students. I've had Korean, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and even Indian (really from India) students...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tattoo is an Art

I like getting myself inked ^__^ I got my first tattoo when I was 13 years old...Yes, I was pretty young then and I wasn't thinking (lol) it was just a very small rose done by my brother on my upper right arm...And because I wasn't thinking, I had it covered many times :/ and the 5th tat was done by a real tattoo artist (thank goodness). I have other tattoos on different parts of my body, and the picture here is just one of them, and I'm not done 'cause there's more to come.
My motto is almost the same with pringles " once you pop, you can't stop " . Now that I'm thinking before I get inked, I also research and read on different articles about tats for girls and places where to get tat, which part is painful and which part is not.
For the girls, I think the best parts to get your tattoo is on the nape, lower back, ankle, shoulder blade or belly button. For some, if they have an ugly scar, they have it covered with a really cool tattoo and that's a good idea. Well, you can actually place it anywhere you want, as long as it makes you happy. Just remember that your tattoo will be with you for the rest of your life.
Having a tattoo is cool but remember that there are always disadvantages of inking various parts of your body.
If you have decided to get a tattoo on a visible part of your body, it might be difficult to get a well paying job. I know that physical appearance is still important for some companies. And have you noticed the look on the elders' faces? Well, I get that a lot. Lucky for me, most of them admired my tattoos. I feel way too cool whenever I go to the beach and just show off my tattoos. Girls and boys just can't help but look.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Some of my Favorite movies (in random order)

                                                      wizard of oz
return to oz
never ending story
sound of music
bed-knobs and broomsticks
mary poppins
people under the stairs
blue lagoon 
pearl harbor 
forest gump 
the greenmile
legends of the fall 
meet joe black 
blood diamond 
the beach
the craft
a walk to remember
dumb and dumber (1)
lord of the rings
the notebook
twilight saga
mr. and mrs. smith
17 again
40 days and 40 nights
10 things I hate about you
50 first dates
never been kissed
gridiron gang
longest yard
the basketball diaries 
spiderman (1) 
the man in the iron mask 
what's eating gilbert grape
dangerous minds 
cruel intentions
mighty ducks
jerry maguire
the blind side
remember the titans
the water boy
the wedding singer
we are marshall
bucket list
a league of their own
sherlock holmes 
p.s I love you
if only
con air
apollo 13 
Pirates of The Carribean (1) 
The Godfather
Jurassic park 
Shawshank redemption 
ella enchanted
face off
ever after
music and lyrics
reign over me
pan's labyrinth

(and more)

YES!!!! I Looooove watching movies :) Well... as a Freelancer, I manage my working time.So, I can have break time whenever I want ;)
I can probably watch 4 movies in one day. Couch potato?? I guess I am...
a bit...^^v   There are just too many nice movies to watch! and I recommend you watch these movies on my list.. :) Happy Viewing!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Pretty Boy :)

Rands Iverson 'Yvo' Reyes is my baby#2 :) He was born on December 10, 2001. I can't forget the day he was born...I was in labor pain, but I managed to be calm whenever I felt contractions. In the delivery room, with a few interns (gosh I was so embarrassed 'cause they've seen a lot of me!), in just a few minutes, my Yvo was born :) I was aware of my surroundings, the nurses expressed their admiration when they first laid their eyes on my baby. I heard them say ~ "ang laki ng baby!" (the baby is big), "aww so cute", and etc. And though I was really tired, I watched my baby get cleaned, and I know I was smiling then, just relieved that my baby was okay. So I was brought to my bed, and I waited for the nurse to bring my baby to me. I was surprised to see that there was not just one nurse that brought him, but there was a group of nurses! I knew right then that my baby is a heart throb :) He was the prettiest baby in that hospital... <3 

Yvo has a security blanket :) he couldn't sleep without it, even if we go on vacation, it's really important that we bring the blanket with us. It was difficult to take it away from him when he was younger, so we rarely washed it :/, that was a big problem. So luckily we found a blanket with the similar look and texture. Mind you, his blanket is very ordinary looking. But it is very special for my baby.
Whenever he feels sleepy, he holds his blanket near his face, smelling it or maybe just rubbing it on his skin. I wonder if he's going to have that blanket 'til he gets older...
  They said my Yvo was a mama's boy. Maybe because he only favored me, of  course, I'm his mom. So it was difficult when I started to work in an Academy,   he would cry and ran after me. He was 4 years old then. It's probably because I breastfed him for two  years. So our bond as a mother and son is really strong. :)

My babies ~ Kobe and Yvo, I am a proud mom, 'cause I can see that you are different from other kids, you'd always listen. You know how to behave. You are polite and giving. I can't imagine my world without you, 'cause you~ my Life, are the best thing that ever happened to me :)
   I love you both to the moon and back ^x^ 

Monday, August 3, 2009

Happiness :)

My first born ~ Kross Kobe Reyes...born on August 9, 2000.
No words can ever define my love for you baby. You are the sweetest and the most wonderful thing that happened into my life. You are the star that shines the brightest. Your smile is so contagious :) you made the people around you happy.
I remember your first day in school. You were still drinking your milk from a bottle, but that was fine babe, you love drinking milk ;) Almost every one in school knows you, and they always called your name to get your attention. And you, as humble as you could be, just gave a shy smile. You were so popular and I knew right then that you'll be popular with the girls and all the boys would want to be your friend.
Swimming is one of the things that you love. You learned to swim early because of your persistence. But of course as a very protective mom, I never let you go swim on your own. You always have my back ;) The joy I feel every time your eyes shine when you hear the words 'let's go to the beach' or 'we'll go swimming this weekend', I know your heart were jumping up and down 'cause of excitement. ^__^
Pizzaaaaa!!! You are my pizza-monster :P you could probably finish a box of pizza if I'll just let you indulge yourself. But babe, you know eating too much is not healthy. Gluttony is a sin...but you are just so cute and fun to watch when you eat, so I sometimes let you have a few more slices :/
Haha, I remember something...every time we go out, I make sure that we eat at home first before we go out. And you would tell me that you are not hungry...but once we're out, you'd say 'gutom na'ko' (I'm already hungry). I knew you'd say that. So of course (again), as a mom I couldn't just let you starve. It's a good thing I always have extra cash when we go out...
Animals and insects ~ in any form...I know you have a big heart ;) you care too much for dogs, cats, hamsters, turtles, rabbits, spiders, snakes, beetles, and maybe more. You are so fond of spiders and beetles that you made the elderly look for those insects in their workplace. Your lolo Maning (grandfather) as a gardener at BGH used to bring home spiders for you and even his colleagues tried to look for spiders so your lolo could bring home as many as you want. You even asked your papa to look for stag beetles in the school where he works, for the school was surrounded by trees. And we can't forget the look on your face when one day your papa came home with a stag beetle :) you put it in a cage and fed it with jello. I know you were sad when after a few days it passed away :( you put it in a match box and buried it. Well, that's ok baby, it went to heaven with the other insects that passed away... You know I watch you when you're looking for different beetles, spiders and snakes on youtube,your eyes were full of wonder and you always wished that you could have one of those. Snakes!! Oh gosh! I always wish you wouldn't see a snake by yourself 'cause I had a feeling that you might have the urge to pick it up. You always 'kulit' (bother) your lolo Boyet to look for snakes. One time you both saw a 'sawa' (python) in an open drainage, and you always asked your lolo to look for it so you can take care of the python. Thank God you didn't see it again! :)
Oh babe...You know how much I love you right? You are in my heart forever. There are so much more about you. But this space is not enough. So I'll talk more ~ if I decide to write a book, hmmmm...
I love you love you love you!!!!
hugs and kisses to you babe! ^x^