Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day???

      February has long been celebrated as a month of romance...though for me, been living with my kids' father for 12 years but we've never celebrated Valentine's day, this month is not that special...

I'm a sweet, always-want-holding-hands-while-walking-down-session rd.-kind of person has been converted into a walk-by-yourself  'cause it's too much of a burden walking holding hands when it's crowded...Does that bother you?? I don't mind walking hand in hand with my 2 kids, I feel secure when I know that they are walking with me..well I guess that's different...

Chocolate? flowers? heart balloons? Teddy bear? 

I never got any for 12 years...I'm glad my kids make me Valentine's day card, (even if they were class projects, I'm still happy 'cause they were always for me ^^).

Petty things I guess, is there something wrong with that? Girls like me want some sugar!!

:( This month is the worst!! I don't know...I stopped expecting since year 1...

At least I know my kids love me :) That's more than enough.

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