Friday, December 11, 2009

Pretty Boy :)

Rands Iverson 'Yvo' Reyes is my baby#2 :) He was born on December 10, 2001. I can't forget the day he was born...I was in labor pain, but I managed to be calm whenever I felt contractions. In the delivery room, with a few interns (gosh I was so embarrassed 'cause they've seen a lot of me!), in just a few minutes, my Yvo was born :) I was aware of my surroundings, the nurses expressed their admiration when they first laid their eyes on my baby. I heard them say ~ "ang laki ng baby!" (the baby is big), "aww so cute", and etc. And though I was really tired, I watched my baby get cleaned, and I know I was smiling then, just relieved that my baby was okay. So I was brought to my bed, and I waited for the nurse to bring my baby to me. I was surprised to see that there was not just one nurse that brought him, but there was a group of nurses! I knew right then that my baby is a heart throb :) He was the prettiest baby in that hospital... <3 

Yvo has a security blanket :) he couldn't sleep without it, even if we go on vacation, it's really important that we bring the blanket with us. It was difficult to take it away from him when he was younger, so we rarely washed it :/, that was a big problem. So luckily we found a blanket with the similar look and texture. Mind you, his blanket is very ordinary looking. But it is very special for my baby.
Whenever he feels sleepy, he holds his blanket near his face, smelling it or maybe just rubbing it on his skin. I wonder if he's going to have that blanket 'til he gets older...
  They said my Yvo was a mama's boy. Maybe because he only favored me, of  course, I'm his mom. So it was difficult when I started to work in an Academy,   he would cry and ran after me. He was 4 years old then. It's probably because I breastfed him for two  years. So our bond as a mother and son is really strong. :)

My babies ~ Kobe and Yvo, I am a proud mom, 'cause I can see that you are different from other kids, you'd always listen. You know how to behave. You are polite and giving. I can't imagine my world without you, 'cause you~ my Life, are the best thing that ever happened to me :)
   I love you both to the moon and back ^x^ 

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